Tuesday, July 5, 2022

BOOM! Cards

If you haven't tried BOOM! Learning right now is a great time. Boom Cards are easy to use, self-grading, and fun. These interactive digital task cards make distance learning easy for both the instructor and the student. Right now Boom is their Ultimate Membership for free for the first two months. Afterwards it's only $35 a year (this is if you want the student reports) in which you get reports for up to 200 students! 

Pros and Cons


-Students get immediate feedback
-Paperless and completely online
-Works well in digital classroom
- Ultimate Membership is free for 2 months
- Can integrate with Google Classroom
-Can integrate with Microsoft Powerpoint


- Most sellers are elementary school sellers

- If you are a middle or high school teacher you may need to make your
 own (or we have some that may interest you)

- Cannot integrate into Canvas


Sign up for Boom Learning at https://wow.boomlearning.com/
Need help getting started? Check out this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JKDhD_16Io

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